Let’s have a conversation

about leading your team, your customers

and yourself to the
next level.

you can't have great success without being a great leader -

of yourself, your work, and others.

Some leaders turn leadership on and off. It's something they DO, instead of something they ARE. And ultimately, it shows.

Some people don't have the title of leader, and they believe it. In their mind, they're not a leader. And ultimately, THAT shows, too.

Leadership isn't an activity, and it's not a title.

It's a way of being in the world, with yourself, and with others, that results in, greater success.

Leadership involves intention, commitment, patience, wisdom, compassion, courage, and so much more.

For starters, let's recognize that whether you want to run your company or department well, work effectively with customers, be a great member of a team, or simply make something of yourself...you have to lead. And you have to learn how to do it well.

I have decades of experience helping leaders in the world's top companies grow people and profit; helping sales teams make sure that what gets conceived, designed and made by the organization actually get into customer hands; helping professionals improve how they collaborate, present ideas, work through conflict and advance the business. I know what it takes to lead, and get results.

Elements of Leadership


Lead Your Team

Business results come from teams that are aligned to the mission, engaged in the work, equipped to execute, and motivated to move through obstacles.

But all of this relies on the ability of the leader to build the environment for all of this to happen. And most leaders are promoted because of their execution talent and skill, not for their ability to lead others.

The best leaders don’t just rely on their talent and experience – they get the knowledge they need to leverage their talent and experience and enable their teams to perform at the highest levels.

Lead Your Customer

In a tight field, it’s not enough to rely on your products to differentiate you from your competition – you need an approach to selling and engaging the customer that differentiates you, too.

When you stop trying to sell, and realize your job is to LEAD YOUR CUSTOMER, you differentiate yourself. And when you adopt an approach to your customer leadership that enables you to lead them through their buying journey while building trust, relationship, alignment and customized value, you win.

Lead Others

Leadership is critical in organizations, and requires skill. What might require MORE skill, though, is leading others without official authority.

Your success at work depends on you getting work done successfully…and this will always, at some point, include the involvement of others. You need something from a peer. They need something from you. You need to collaborate. You need to make decisions together. Whatever the situation - you will always fast-forward your success if you have the skills to lead others, informally. To lead them in such a way that not only does the work benefit, but the relationship does, too. It’s a delicate balance, and it takes real know-how and nuance.

Ready to learn how?

Interested in bringing these programs to your company?


Lead Yourself: Career Advancement

Wherever you are in your career, you don’t want to stop there – you want to grow and succeed at higher and higher levels. You want to fulfill your purpose and potential. If you’re ready for your next promotion and want to know how make yourself the top candidate…even if you’ve been passed over before…come get the essential concepts, skills and tools you need to put your career, income and fulfillment on fast-forward.

In this 12 week program, you will receive expert private coaching, a world-class learning portal, and between-session assignments to help you advance faster.

Lead Yourself: Executive Advancement

If you’re a Director or VP looking to advance on your executive path, but seem to be stopped, your talent and skill have taken you far – and our Executive Advancement tools will take you farther.

The higher you go, the fewer the roles. And it’s all too easy to get stuck at the Director or VP level. Rather than relying on the skills that got you this far, if you want to go further, it may be time for the “what got you here, won’t get you there” conversation. At some point, our “professional skills” tap out, and we need “promotion skills” to take us to the next level. Schedule a complimentary strategy call, and let’s talk.

Lead Yourself: Next Level Living

Talent takes you only so far. So does intelligence. At some point, something happens:

  • -You face a challenging life situation.

  • -You’re having trouble juggling it all, and feel stress and overwhelm way too much, or all the time.

  • -You don’t quite feel “on track” anymore. Instead, you  feel out of balance.

  • -You realize that you reached your goals…and you’re still unfulfilled.

  • -You want more - you just don’t know what it is, or how to get there.

As a result, you’re at a loss and not quite sure what you need. You just know you need something. These are all indicators that it’s time to LEAD YOURSELF to your next level. That your talent, education, experience and intelligence have taken you far. And now it’s time for some “new knowledge” and support to help you lead yourself to your next level of living.

The LEAD YOURSELF: Next Level Living program spans 12 weeks, and includes expert private coaching and assignments between sessions. It’s a comprehensive program that helps you understand, address and improve your 10 Life Levers and your 7 Success Defaults, so you feel more clarity, energy, motivation, confidence, and see improvements in your relationships, your professional life, and your life effectiveness and satisfaction.

Meet Mim Abbey

Mim works with leaders, sales teams, and ambitious professionals who want to gain the knowledge and skills they need to lead their careers, businesses and lives to the next level.

Mim leverages her three decades of experience to bring an unmatched depth of expertise that, combined with her authentic approach and dynamic delivery, equips people with the tools they need to meet and exceed targets, envision new ones, and innovate ways to get there.

Mim’s expertise has helped grow Fortune 500 companies across the globe, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and North, Central and South America. Mim is an experienced event presenter and contributor to major publications such as the Huffington Post.

Connect With Me

Client Testimonials

I’ve been fortunate to work with Mim on many leadership development programs within NBCUniversal over the years. In such a company of diverse businesses, Mim has been a fantastic partner for myself and our leaders in helping them grow their leadership capability and navigate the complex media and technology landscapes. In a world where the role of a leader is paramount, Mim’s ability to coach is essential.


Terence Morley

VP of Global Talent Development | NBCUniversal

I have had the opportunity to work with Mim on two separate occasions in a professional setting and in both she has surpassed my expectations. I hired Mim to engage and share insights with our most critical customers at a National training. To say this was an important decision to bring in an external advisor is an understatement. This was THE most important decision and Mim was the highlight of our weekend. She customized her approach to the audience, presented in a way that engaged the entire group and was flexible as we needed to adjust the time allocated for her training.


Anna Phelps

National Sales Director | Fennec Pharmaceuticals

Former National Thought Leader Director | Eli Lilly and Company

In both my personal and professional life, I value staying on track with goals and bringing my very best to everything and everyone I encounter. I have taken many training courses over my professional career and Mim was the most effective facilitator and coach I have encountered. She worked with a group of people that varied across personality type, communication style and job responsibilities to bring us together to learn concepts, tools and new ideas for how to set goals, put together strategic plans to accomplish those goals, and successfully manage tough situations and create wins. And she did it in a way that made the minutes fly by… It was the first time that I felt every minute was productive, helping me to learn and practice new skills and hone existing ones.


Dr. Jennifer Brower

Director of Advanced Technology Maritime, Raytheon

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